Film and internet in the Death Coast
Carballo is a town located in the Northwest of the Northwest of Spain. It has a population of 30,000 inhabitants and is the capital of Bergantiños region, in A Coruña. Very close to the Death Coast, a maritime site well known for shipwrecks, breathtaking landscapes and cliffs (featured in internationally awarded films such as Lois Patiño’s Costa da Morte) and for its wonderful beaches for surfers.
In the Death Coast the strong tides can sink oil tankers, grow the best goose barnacles in the Western world and even provoke sensorial raptures in visitors, especially in rough weather -also in its inhabitants, who deal well enough with living in the end of the world.
There takes place Carballo Interplay, a digital contents festival that became the first webseries festival in Spain. Its contents go beyond serialised fiction and aim to explore the possibilities of the Internet as a medium for storytelling, the most transgressive humour, non-fiction, digital culture, video heritage and interactive audiovisual performance, always with the video as a foundation.
This edition will be bigger and better. We will keep you up to date through this website. For the time being, just watch the following video with last year’s highlights.
See you in Carballo!